Red Canoe at Dusk

While sitting by my campfire one evening after sunset, looking out at the blue of twilight, the red shape of my Chestnut canoe caught my eye. For a moment, I felt moved inside – a feeling I had to try and capture – but how? I took my camera and tripod to the lakeside and composed an image based on shapes, including that of my silhouetted canoe, to duplicate my initial meditation. The problem was that although my eyes could see the red of my canoe, which focused the entire image, I knew very well that the limitations of film would only record it as black. Racking my mind for a solution, I at last struck on the idea of painting the canoe with light using my powerful Maglite flashlight – light which the film could then register, just as my eyes had registered the red tones of the Chestnut. Once again, I was reminded that it is the focus and attention to the inner self that makes an image; in combination with technical skill and imagination, they are the matter that transform light into art. Swan Lake, Bowron Lake Park.


Box 333
108 Mile Ranch
British Columbia, Canada, V0K 2Z0

Phone: 250 791 6631

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