Visual Narrative #033 – Mt. Waddington

VN #033: Mt. Waddington Water Tower
Posted July 23, 2024


Mt. Waddington

British Columbia’s Last Great Water Tower

On the western edge of the Chilcotin Plateau lie the highest mountains in the Coast Mountain Range; the highest, at over 4000 metres is Mt. Waddington.

These mountains are a major source of water for much of the province. Scientists have said that should climate warming continue, the glaciers of these mountains will be the last go; Mt Waddington will become the last water tower. Our rivers may well be the last on the planet.

My good pilot friend, Dave King, flew Mike Duffy and I through the saddle of Mt. Waddington’s two highest peaks. As I photographed out my open window, trying to capture the significance of this mountain, I suddenly felt as if the wings were going to touch the frozen rock on each side of the saddle. It was a moment of intense living that I will never forget.


To get a greater sense of the mountain’s magnitude, Mike and I decided to hike as high as we could into the alpine. We wanted to spend the night there; we wanted to experience the light, first as it set, and then as it rose to start a new day.

When we reached the highest meadow we could find, the view of Mt. Waddington left us breathless.


Sunset over Mt. Waddington.

I hardly slept that night. I kept looking out at the mountain; it was moonlit and silent. At the first sign of coloured sunrise, we were up. Mike was making a pot of coffee as my day of photography began.

After two hours of photography, it was time to make breakfast.

I have never forgotten making this image. It spoke volumes to me. It puts life in perspective every time I look at it.


Mike and I have been on many multi-day hikes in the mountains together, but this one-day adventure stands out as one of the most memorable. We talk about it often in the comfort of our local coffee shop!

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