Visual Narrative #037-The Beauty of Abstract

VN #037: The Beauty of Abstract
Posted August 18, 2024


The Beauty of Abstract

The arrangement of design elements

Recently, I have gained a deeper and deeper understanding of, and appreciation for, the abstract; and that creating a beautiful and compelling abstract is just as rewarding and uplifting as creating a beautiful and compelling landscape.

What’s also encouraging is that one doesn’t have to go anywhere new or exotic; wherever you happen to find yourself, the possibilities for photographic expression are multitudinous and endlessly uplifting.

Wherever I go, I seek all the usual elements of design (line, shape & form, colour & tonal contrast, and texture), and then I experiment in arranging them in unusual ways. I know immediately when the results resonate, because I feel the joy. On every photographic outing, I follow that joyful resonance.

Below is a small sampling of those element arrangements.

Expression of an apartment building

Arranging blocks of colour

While on a morning walk, I saw what I could not see


Garden breeze


These expressions are the tip of a huge iceberg called photographic expression. It’s why photography has become more exciting than at any other time in my career.

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