Visual Narrative #024-Lanzarote VI-Volcanoes 1

VN #024: Lanzarote VI
Posted May 06, 2024


Lanzarote VI – Arts, Culture & Tourism

 Volcanoes 1:

Lanzarote is an island of volcanoes, and nothing excites me more than to photograph the planet in its most raw and primal state. It makes me passionate about life.

 A daily park admission fee allows you to drive to a lookout where there is a restaurant, craft shop, and a 1-hour slow-moving bus ride through a most spectacular volcanic setting.

As a photographer, a bus tour is not my idea of a good time. However, with millions of tourists and sustainable tourism in mind, there was no alternative. I was happy to make the best of it. 

Photographing through a window with reflections wasn’t easy but I did my best. In this image we see the road we are travelling on and the Atlantic Ocean in the background.

Patches of light continuously shifted throughout the entire landscape; so exciting!

Sometimes the bus stopped to give passengers a close-up insight into the various types and formations of lava. 

While leaning over Rita’s lap and pushing my lens up against the window, I managed to get some reflection-free images. One could feel the dripping lava as it cooled.


More Visual Narratives about various aspects of Lanzarote arts and culture are being posted during the next two weeks. Check them out, or subscribe.


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